Good morning! I hope you are all doing well. Here are a few library media updates for you.
Please join us TONIGHT for #KyLChat. We will be talking about ways to support nurture our readers. December 8, 7 PM Central, 8 PM Eastern. #KyLChat is super-easy to join. Here are some directions if you are brand new to Twitter chats.

KYGoDigital is a great resource for learning. I especially love the ones that feature school library leaders. This one is today! If you can’t catch the live version, please go back and visit their YouTube channel for this one which features Dr. Lynn Reynolds and Sade Graves.

Please, if you are a KYVL member district and haven’t already, take 5-10 minutes to complete this collections survey. It will help the collections workgroup make the best decisions moving forward.

KySTE is offering free membership through December 31. Please visit this link to take advantage of this offer. Their spring event is always a great opportunity for professional learning.

KET, an awesome advocate for all KY school librarians, is partnering with School Library Connection to make their articles, webinars, and self-paced workshops available through March! To access this awesome professional learning resource, visit School Library Connection, use username “—–” and password “—–.” You will then need to select your school district from the list. If you have any questions, or just want to thank someone for this fantastic resource, please reach out to your regional KET consultant.
KASL December Newsletter
Sam Northern, KASL president, has been sharing monthly newsletters. You can catch the latest issue with this Smore link.

KY Academic Standards for Library Media
Here is a link to the most recent draft of our Kentucky Academic Standards for Library Media. They are currently being reviewed by the KY Legislative Research Commission and are on track to be fully adopted for the 2020/2021 school year. (in case you need link)

If you ever have any questions or need help with anything, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me. Please get with librarians in your district and make sure they received this update. If they did not, please have them reach out to me so I can add them to my list. Have a great week!!!
KET Young Writers Contest
The KET Young Writers Contest opened on December 1. It’s a great opportunity for you students to share their creative efforts. You can check out all the details at this link.

AASL Session Proposals
From Dr. Cahill: “AASL has launched a comprehensive call for proposals for its 2021 national conference. AASL invites proposals for concurrent sessions, research into practice sessions, and the IdeaLab best practice showcase to be presented Oct. 21-23, 2021, in Salt Lake City, Utah. Complete proposals must be submitted by 12:00 p.m. Central on Mon., February 1, 2021. More information is available at

Shew! That was a lot! Please… contact me if you ever have questions or need help with anything. Take care of yourselves and know that you and your work for students is greatly appreciated!
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